When you examine how entrepreneurial firms organize themselves, it’s clear that you need to cast the net wide in your search for ideas on managing change. Entrepreneurs don’t just respond to demand—they create it, often finding innovative ways to exploit existing markets. Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it has four critical dimensions that guide everything:
“Empowering You for a Prosperous Future and achieve your economic goals”
o The process of creating, strategizing, developing, and/ or managing a business venture with the aim of generating profits.
o Entrepreneurship is a powerful means to unlock income-generating opportunities. It enables young people to attain economic independence, when businesses led by youth succeed, they generate new jobs, strengthen local communities, and fuel economic growth.
o An Individual who takes financial risk by investing money in business (Manufacturing/ Trading/ Services etc) and develops a business strategy aimed at growth and generating profits.
o “Profit” is “Reward for Risk Taken”
o Uncertainty of generating profits is the biggest risk in business.
o Yes, risk can be quantified, since both Profit and Risk are directly proportional.
o We will also train you on fractionalization of Risk.
o Basically, there are only 3 types of business models, Manufacturing, Trading & Services.
o In-Demand Service, low risk and high returns, requires hardwork, time and patience to develop.
o We have pre-designed sustainable business strategy that suits all models of business.
o As a Trusted Associate we will take you through curated pathways, different processes and requirements to establish a profitable business venture.
o The duration of this process will be 3 months, that includes pre-search, search, interpretation, effective communication & Regular evaluation.
o Minimum investment towards your establishment cost i.e. Sole-Proprietorship, Partnership and office setup cost.
o No Loans or any other investment required for services business, for other 2 models (Trading & Manufacturing) depends on product’s and the range, along with available financial resources.
o Selection is purely based on individual subjective knowledge than subject knowledge.
o Anyone between the age group of 25 to 45 (Any Gender).
o Minimum Graduation in any field of study is eligible, with proficiency in local language and 1 additional language (Hindi or English).
o Selection is not dependent on marks or grades.
o Local resident of area is a must – Urban and Rural (Local area residence proof is required).
o Harsukh Business Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason what so ever.
o Reasons for acceptance or rejection will not be entertained.
o Sustainable Growth opportunities.
o Growth in business purely depends on your capacity and ambition to rise in the world of business – all we do is show you the right path.
o Rs.1000/- + GST for Application processing (Non-Refundable).
o Yearly Associate fees Rs.20,000/- (Payable Half Yearly).
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